I See the Sun in Turkey

I See the Sun in Turkey provides a unique introduction to the people, families, culture, and sense of place in a country that has seen many changes since this story was first conceptualized. As with other books in this award-winning series, readers will spend a day in Istanbul and see the city through the eyes of a child, from sunrise through sunset. Learn about family life, education, recreation, and the language of Turkey in a way that is sensitive to the culture.

As with the other books in the series, the author has spent a considerable amount of time in Turkey, not merely as a tourist, but immersed in the environment and living with families who have opened their homes and their hearts to her. Includes facts about the country and a glossary for extended learning. Written in English and translated into Turkish. I See the Sun in Turkey includes age-appropriate country facts and a glossary for extended learning.

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Children speak varied languages, have contrasting national and regional attire, foods and traditions. But they all have family, games and daily routines that make childhood similar at the core.

Our differences are not so strange; there is beauty and creative power in diversity.

— I See the Sun Books

» Thaimy, 5 years old, reading at the Integrity School in Namibia


Judith Inglese

Illustrator Judith Inglese designs and fabricates ceramic murals for public spaces such as hospitals, libraries, schools and outdoor urban environments.

In her spare time she makes books as gifts for her children and grandchildren. In I See the Sun books she combines photography and drawing in her illustrations.

Visit Judith's website at http://www.judithinglese.com

Dedie King

Author Dedie King was a Peace Corps volunteer in Nepal in the mid-sixties. She taught school in Katmandu and in Bandipur. Together with her husband Peter she periodically returns to visit friends in Bandipur.

Presently Dedie practices Classical Five Element Acupuncture in Massachusetts.

Future books in the series will focus on Russia, Mexico, India, Israel/Palestine.